Tag Archive | men

TV Anchor Wears Same Suit Every Day For A Year To Prove Sexism Is Prevalent

5457368-i-have-nothing-to-wear-cartoonAustralian newscaster Karl Stefanovic wore the same suit every day for a year to draw attention to an all too common form of sexism. Co-host of the Australian morning news show “Today,” Stefanovic became frustrated with the unsolicited fashion advice and appearance-based criticisms viewers regularly offered his female co-presenter, Lisa Wilkinson. He then decided to conduct an experiment. He wore the same blue suit on air every day for a year, and, as the TV personality revealed to Fairfax Media, absolutely nobody said a thing:

No one has noticed; no one gives a sh*t. But women, they wear the wrong colour and they get pulled up. They say the wrong thing and there’s thousands of tweets written about them. Women are judged much more harshly and keenly for what they do, what they say and what they wear.

I’ve worn the same suit on air for a year –- except for a couple of times because of circumstance –- to make a point. I’m judged on my interviews, my appalling sense of humour – on how I do my job, basically. Whereas women are quite often judged on what they’re wearing or how their hair is … that’s [what I wanted to test].

According to Debora Spar, President of Barnard College and author of “Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection,” such scrutiny of appearance is a reality for many women today.

Don’t let the scrutiny of others impact you because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Though it seems like a cute churchy saying, this verse says that God made you special. God has a special purpose and plan for you. Be not only confident but comfortable in who you are because you are intentionally unique Under Your Brim!UnderHerBrim_Blog

H/T Jezebel 11/14

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This Caused 3 Women to Die Today

octonerMany people don’t know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – even though 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and an average of 3 women die every day at the hands of a current or former intimate partner.  My Tattered Brim (Preciouslyfe) is a 501c3 organization dedicated to supporting survivors of Domestic Violence by  helping to answer the question ‘I’m out of my abusive environment-now what?’. We provide support, education, life skills training and assistance in the navigation of resources of other Domestic Violence agencies we partner with as survivors rebuild their lives. Continue reading

I’m Sorry my Blessings Offend you

BlessingsToday a friend and I were talking about how we (people) limit ourselves in living how we want, doing what we want and being what we want because we don’t want to offend others. I’m sorry my blessing offends you….

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Natural or Straight I’m still ME!

Let it go people! Live and let live. To each his/her own.

I’m talking about the judgment. More specifically the hair judgment that is passed on those who choose to be themselves and rock whatever style they want. Afro puffsThere always seems to be a contingent that has an opinion based on their choice. The Permed Hair Crew vs. Protective Styles Camp and why one is better/worse than the other one. I am sooooo tired of it. Live and let live. Whatever your style, texture, process, products or length – keep your hair healthy and do you!  Celebrate the beauty in our differences and not tear one another down. Don’t waste your judgment on me because like India.Arie I know that there is more to me Under my Brim than my hair.

Dating Expert Claims Black Churches Keep African American Women Single and Lonely

While migrating our posts from our other site to here, there was discussions about keeping this one or letting it go. As the Diva of the crew I said to keep it so that we can discuss what the ‘experts’ say in our Girlfriend Question of the Day section.

So here it is….what do you think. Is this true or false….

SOURCE (EURWEB) Dating expert, advice columnist and author Deborrah Cooper blasts traditional Black churches and charges that they are the root cause for the high numbers of single Black women in the U.S.

With all the media coverage (CNN, Nightline, NY Times, ABC) of the “plight” of the single black woman, and the blaming of Black women for being single, this author felt it past time to examine other reasons which could be important contributors to this sad statistic:

“Black women have an inordinate amount of faith in both Black men and Black churches. My position is that such blind and unwavering faith in either is misplaced.

It is my belief that the Black church, structured around traditional gender roles which makes women submissive to and inferior to men, greatly limits females.

Single Black women sitting in church every Sunday are being subtly brainwashed, soothed and placated into waiting without demand for what they want to magically come to them. Who is doing this to Black women? The male standing at the front of the Church in the role of spiritual leader, that’s who!

This is the true reason that there are so many single, never married Black women in the United States – Black churches. Black women should abandon Black churches and focus more on themselves, their needs and those of their children than those of Black men or a religion which Black men use to castigate and control an entire race of women.

Single Black Females in Church

Black females have long been considered the backbone of the Black community and the cornerstone of their families and churches. But what is the real price Black women have paid to wear this crown of fool’s gold?

An examination of any congregation of the average Black church shows that single Black females fill the pews. Results of a recent study “African Americans and Religion” by the PEW Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life found that “African Americans are markedly more religious on a variety of measures than the U.S. population as a whole.”

Almost 90% of Black Americans express “absolutely certain belief in God” compared to just over 70% of the total U.S. population. Two other important statistics gleaned from this survey: (1) 80% of Black Americans report that religion is “very important” in their lives as compared to 57% of the general U.S. population; and (2) 55% of Black Americans report that they “interpret scripture literally” as compared to 32% of the general U.S. population.

The PEW study also reported that “Men are significantly more likely than women to claim no religious affiliation. Nearly one-in-five men say they have no formal religious affiliation, compared with roughly 13% of women.”

The survey shows a distinct correlation between religion and social attitudes amongst African Americans. “African Americans who are more religiously observant (as defined by frequency of worship service attendance and the importance of religion in their lives), are more likely to oppose abortion and homosexuality, and more likely to report higher levels of conservative ideology.”

What Do The PEW Study Results Mean For Single Black Women?

They mean that:

  • Following the tenets of organized religion is not going to get you anywhere because men are generally not religious.
  • Going to church is not getting you the husband you seek.
  • Going to church is not making you more attractive and interesting to men.
  • Going to church is not where you are going to find eligible bachelors to date.
  • Going to church is not going to teach you to be fiscally responsible, investment savvy, or empower you to achieve greatness as a woman.
  • Going to church is not going to broaden your horizons, make you more tolerant and accepting of all God’s children, nor is it going to encourage you to be free of the chains of patriarchy and oppression of your feminine energy.

Going to church makes you a sheep, blindly following the mandates of a small group of men you have placed in your life in a position of power. Going to church makes you malleable and predictable, and narrows your thinking and thus limits your options.

Going to church for single Black women is a waste of time.

There ARE Single Men in Church, However…”