
The Swiffer, Shovel and Mousetrap

Sometimes you have to just suck it up… and this was one of those tielephantmouse_copy_9203mes. Midnight snacking in the kitchen I swore a shadow moved under the radiator. Nahh…I poo-pooed it away. To cast out all doubt the mysterious shadow was boldly sashaying across the front of my fireplace a day later. Yup, it was a &*^#% mouse. Those of you who follow UHB know the water bug incident. If not, go check that out. Continue reading

Living on Purpose & Taking Yourself off Purpose-Punishment

Written by: Brittany Naturaltylist M. of  Let’s #BeWomen Support Group

BLOG-Living-on-PurposeWhile we are still just getting our feet wet into this new year of 2018, I’m sure lots of you have already made some “New Year’s resolutions”, some have decided to do away with the tiresome tradition, and others seem to just be pleasantly proud of who they were in 2017, with no desire for change. Continue reading

Are you Adult-ing?

There are some things that have started to happen with my friends and I which has made us consider the possibility that we are getting finer with time. Does any of these sound familiar? If so, you may also be uhm…adulting. Continue reading

Yup….I Lost It…or Did I?

I lost an hour today.  Checked my purse, the closet, my junk drawer the computer bag….yep it’s gone. This is nothing new. I can’t tell you how it happens, it just does. It’s not like when you lose your keys, you can ultimately find them. Finding a lost hour can be more time consuming than just accepting that it’s gone. Today there was a legitimate reason, the clocks were all moved ahead because of Daylight Savings Time. Continue reading

Happy Freakin’ Holidays

As the years go by I’ve learned the Holiday trio (Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year) can be depressing. Stress, illness, addiction, financial woes and other challenges don’t go away because it’s the holiday season. Meanwhile the holidays heighten the expectation that  we should be kind (if not oozing the Norman Rockwell painting-ish kinda love) to all around us. Continue reading

I’ll be My Own Number One

There are days when you wake up and have to be like David and encourage yourself. Not3d89edafa9dd80de939756405b9cb9a9
because you don’t have an awesome other half that listens to you whine, encourages and holds you up when you are feeling down and deflated. No matter how you try to shake it you see evidence of the irritation(s) everywhere you look. Each sign making the tear in the irk fabric larger and larger until its a deep, dark, empty hole. Continue reading

I Speak A New Language – porque soy más del 40!!

I work for an organization where some of my colleagues speak many languages. It is an enviable ability that has had me wish I really paid attention when Senior Fazinni was teaching my Spanish class, at least to recall more than a few phrases. The one that I still remember and used most – ¿puedo ir al baño so  I could find a study hall to socialize in. I’m ashamed but confession is good for the soul. Hola NAHS clase de 89!! Continue reading

The Big Reveal!!

20160808_053821.jpgWalking on the Boardwalk at the shore….and came across this gem. Go ahead and look at it again…I’ll wait. Did you peep (as my kids would say)? The irony got my attention and made me stop to snap a picture. It wasn’t the lovely red and blue letters covering every inch of space on the banner screaming it’s message, nor was it the oh-so-pristine & ornate security gate that made me share this with you all (you’re welcome). As I giggled and sent it to my fellow sarcastic/ironic/blooper loving friends (Heeyy  Opod, PJ and TeeDubb) I thought of an expression that would make the perfect caption for this picture if this was the picture of  a person.  ‘When people show you who they are, believe them’  – The cautionary advice given by the great Dr. Maya Angelou in these nine simple words carry an often ignored wisdom. Look at the picture again. Clearly the gate is down but we know without even witnessing it, some genius walked up, read the sign, saw the gate down & lights off and still looked for another door on the side or out back to go inside, after all it’s NEVER CLOSED!!.

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I once heard  that dreams are like grapes on a vine – if they don’t get nurtured to grow they dry up and turn into raisins. I say that is true about almost anything….relationships, careers, goals (fill-in-the-blank-with-your-word-here) and so on and so on. Continue reading