Tag Archive | time

Tombstone reads: Was Busy.

Not pointing fingers – what works for you, works for you. There was a time I found myself running from one invite to the next. I realized I was not enjoying any of it as I tried to be everywhere I was invited to all at once. I recently asked a friend I haven’t seen in months if she wanted to get together to catch up. I envisioned us gabbing over cocktails at a restaurant in the city like old times.

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Were Rihanna’s Predictions Correct?

Happy Humpdaayyy!!!  How is your week going?  Well hopefully it is going well but no matter
how you’re week is going this was too cute to keep to myself.  Thought I’d share so you can take a moment, smile and be entertained as we press through our week. Pause, take a break. Continue reading

Are you Adult-ing?

There are some things that have started to happen with my friends and I which has made us consider the possibility that we are getting finer with time. Does any of these sound familiar? If so, you may also be uhm…adulting. Continue reading

Yup….I Lost It…or Did I?

I lost an hour today.  Checked my purse, the closet, my junk drawer the computer bag….yep it’s gone. This is nothing new. I can’t tell you how it happens, it just does. It’s not like when you lose your keys, you can ultimately find them. Finding a lost hour can be more time consuming than just accepting that it’s gone. Today there was a legitimate reason, the clocks were all moved ahead because of Daylight Savings Time. Continue reading