Tag Archive | health

Fresh Out of Give a *bleep*!!

Have you have had one of those days? While productive its busy, draining and energy zapping. You giphyget home, put on those comfy lounge pajama pants, climb on the sofa, eat a sleeve of thin mints and wipe the chocolate residue that has built up on your thumb and first finger on your pant leg. Yup, you have reached your limit. Continue reading

Living on Purpose & Taking Yourself off Purpose-Punishment

Written by: Brittany Naturaltylist M. of  Let’s #BeWomen Support Group

BLOG-Living-on-PurposeWhile we are still just getting our feet wet into this new year of 2018, I’m sure lots of you have already made some “New Year’s resolutions”, some have decided to do away with the tiresome tradition, and others seem to just be pleasantly proud of who they were in 2017, with no desire for change. Continue reading

Were Rihanna’s Predictions Correct?

Happy Humpdaayyy!!!  How is your week going?  Well hopefully it is going well but no matter
how you’re week is going this was too cute to keep to myself.  Thought I’d share so you can take a moment, smile and be entertained as we press through our week. Pause, take a break. Continue reading

A Selfie Could Tell You If You Have This Thyroid Cancer Symptom

BY BRITTNEY MCNAMARA MARCH 16, 2017 6:30 AM  – Teen Vogue

Ok…maybe not THIS selfie!

I saw this and thought about how many doctors appointments, dentist and Urgent Care visits I’ve made for my children or someone else in my family. The truth is parents often leave themselves out of the doctor, dentist, ophthalmologist rotation when taking kids to get those needed sports physicals, grade specific vaccines and nurse-just-sent-home-a-note-that-your-child needs an eye doctor appointment. If the title of this post didn’t get your attention, I certainly hop Lorna’s story does. Continue reading

Are you Adult-ing?

There are some things that have started to happen with my friends and I which has made us consider the possibility that we are getting finer with time. Does any of these sound familiar? If so, you may also be uhm…adulting. Continue reading

What are you Afraid of?

What am I afraid of?….this simple 5 word question that was asked of me rolled around in my mind.  Not so simple. As a person usually quick with a snappy response…to my surprise and chagrin, I struggled to answer. I’ll give the intelligent response as Marrian Williamson’s words from A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”, Ch. 7, Section 3 (1992), p. 190. popped into my head: Continue reading

#1 Lady Killer

From heart disease to breast cancer to depression, WebMD gives the inside information on why women are at high risk for these problems but may not know it. We are going to examine the #1 Lady Killer….

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Hello Yuck Mouth!

Hello Yuck Mouth!

YUP! Here it is people. Once again we have to be reminded to be selfish, take some time away from the world and spend time taking care of us.

  • Nope, can’t take kids to the next activity, dentist or doctor appointment.
  • Dinner will have to wait – let them reheat leftovers.
  • Most jobs have sick days or personal time. Use one.
  • Entrepreneur? Take an hour out of your day from the computer, it will be there when you get back.

Other than making excuses for why you can’t do this….What are you doing with this time you ask? You are going to the dentist. There….I said it – the “D” word!

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Eating Clean Does my Body (and Mind) Good

**The following is a re-blogging from: http://netiebee.blogspot.com UHB has not change the content.** 

Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth” — Pema Chödrön

A few years ago, my friend Holly was talking to me about Tosca Reno’s Eating Clean diet. Fairly quickly into her “eating clean monologue”, her words fell on deaf ears because I had dismissed it as something that would be so incredibly complicated, expensive and downright hard for me to incorporate into my life that I didn’t want to hear anything else about it.

My thinking back then was, “how could this eating regimen be fulfilling when I would have to limit refined sugar, give up fake sugar, white flour, pre-packaged and processed food?” Frozen meals save me time. Diet Dr. Pepper hits the spot when I start getting sluggish at 3:00. And word to your Mother and mine – ain’t nothing like a Snickers to take the edge off during that time of the month.  I was also on a popular weight loss program at that time and I was losing weight, so if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Okay, I was hella wrong. Now, I can see that I was giving so much push back because this was taking me out of my comfort zone. These were HUGE changes and I was too nervous and too scared to make them at that time.

i-love-healthy-eatingEven though I was losing weight, I knew what I was putting in my body was not good. I would always hit the wall at 3:00, I had spikes in my sugar levels, and rounded out with stomach and digestive issues – yea, I was gross. I could not keep lying to myself – I had to man-up and make some changes.

Right now, it is six in the morning as I write this post and in 30-minutes, I will begin my eating clean regimen. I have been eating clean since mid January 2012 and I can honestly say it has really done my body and mind – good.

I usually have my first meal by 6:30 a.m. (everyday) and I eat every three hours. Each meal includes a complex carb and protein. I spend either Saturday or Sunday cooking a week’s worth of food for me and Jack – and I love it. The meals I cook are the bomb-delicious – just ask my sister and her boyfriend! My monthly grocery bill is down 85 bucks and I no longer need a weight loss program, so good-bye fees.

My partner in crime Naomi is on her own eating clean journey and it is cool to be able to share ups and downs with each other. Don’t get me wrong, I slip up but slip-ups are expected after decades of poor eating habits. Bottom line is – I’m doing it.

Shout out to Clean Eating magazine for the delicious recipes and flax seeds – for doing what you do!

If you are doing something that is pushing you out of your comfort zone – please share, I’d love to hear your story.