Tag Archive | afro

Natural or Straight I’m still ME!

Let it go people! Live and let live. To each his/her own.

I’m talking about the judgment. More specifically the hair judgment that is passed on those who choose to be themselves and rock whatever style they want. Afro puffsThere always seems to be a contingent that has an opinion based on their choice. The Permed Hair Crew vs. Protective Styles Camp and why one is better/worse than the other one. I am sooooo tired of it. Live and let live. Whatever your style, texture, process, products or length – keep your hair healthy and do you!  Celebrate the beauty in our differences and not tear one another down. Don’t waste your judgment on me because like India.Arie I know that there is more to me Under my Brim than my hair.

Nappyheaded-Afrowearing-Angela Davis-Wannabe

Nappyheaded-Afrowearing-Angela Davis-Wannabe!!!!!!

YUP!!! Had that insult loudly hurled at me out on the playground and since I thought he was oooooo soooo cute, it really cut me deep. I was so angry with my Momma for sending me out into the world looking like a Q-tip. Don’t judge me, 6th grade is rough!!! It Clicker 2didn’t get better as I went to high school and almost flunked gym because I did NOT want to get my hair wet and spend all of my lunch blow-drying it and trying to smooth it out with my butane curling iron (that would NEVER get hot enough). Oh stop looking like you didn’t have the butane clicker.

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