Tag Archive | network

What’s Changed Since Lean In?

It was a bestseller that begat a catchphrase and, we thought, a movement: Lean In. Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg’s 2013 book on how to get ahead (or just get equality) in the workplace became an immediate touchstone for a generation of women who had gotten their foot in the door but now didn’t know what to do. Continue reading

Here’s why they Never Replied to your Job Application

desk-glasses-notebook-3061-825x550The search has been going on for what feels like eons and you finally have found a role that seems like the perfect fit! You grab your resume writing tip sheet and get busy. You’ve filled out an application, tweaked your resume and cover letter. You checked your masterpieces twice, and officially submitted them all for the job that was made for you. However, there could still be an error that could cost you the job lurking on the application, between the superlatives of your resume, cover letter, or the casual email inquiring about the position. Wondering what, exactly, these errors are and where they pop up in the application process?

Here a few of the most common mistakes:

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